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50+ unique and unusual boy names with meanings for your baby

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This list of 1,000-plus unique boy names just might include the name you’ve been searching for. There are lots of wonderful traditional baby boy names — we all know and love Jakes, Johns, and Williams. But there are thousands of uncommon baby names worth exploring too, unique baby boy names that illuminate how special a sure-to-be-prodigious offspring will be. And while parents may agree that they want a unique baby boy name, that can mean very different things to different people. With so many options, how do you choose a name that he will carry proudly throughout his life?

Selecting the perfect name for your little prince is a journey of love and anticipation, and these English names will help you make the right decision. We’ve got all the cool and unusual names for your baby boy you’ve ever heard of and thousands you haven’t. We love to show you our favorite names, like the starter names below.

A hip name has good vibes, giving your little guy a whole lot of mojo from the start. While “cool” is undoubtedly subjective, there are common traits that help a name fit the label. A cool name skirts overuse and usually grabs a listener’s attention with its style. It can definitely be trendy like Jace, but it can also be unique like Zephyr. While some names are gaining popularity, others are experiencing a significant decline. Names like Aiden, Ethan, and Mason, which were hugely popular in previous years, are seeing fewer registrations in the US during 2024.

The most popular given names vary nationally, regionally, and culturally. Do you have a name in mind and want to know more about it? Or want to find names belonging to a particular origin, religion, or having a specific meaning? Use our search tool below to explore more baby names with different combinations. The top boy baby names in the country are Liam, Noah and Oliver.

If you’re looking for unique boy names that will help your baby boy stand out from the crowd, then you should look no further than these awesome and truly unique baby names. More unusual sounding names have risen in popularity in recent years, with an increasing number of new parents keen to make their baby’s name stand out on the register. After all, there’s nothing worse than being one of five Olivers in the class.

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The summer blockbuster film Barbie, starring Margot Robbie, was also influential, with 215 more baby girls named Margot than in 2022, meaning the name ranked 44th out of the 100 most popular baby girl names. If you want to check on the popularity of a name before you decide, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is the first stop. It keeps a list of the top 1,000 baby boy names every year.

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best name for boy 1962

Girl of the Year 2025 Journal Release Date + Author

These unusual names are sure to make your little one stand out from the crowd while still being easy enough to spell and sounding cool enough that they’ll grow to love it. Strong boy names with powerful meanings are one of the most popular groups with parents, especially in times of uncertainty. Many of these strong names don’t have a particularly macho image; some are even gender neutral. But the meanings of strength and power give them some extra muscle.

Whatever your approach, you’ll find plenty of options in this list of the 1,000 most popular baby boy names, as recorded by the Social Security Administration (SSA). There’s so much to do when preparing for the birth of your baby boy, and finding that awesome name that fits your little one is probably right near the top of the list. If you enjoy checking out the most popular names from recent years, dig in to the list we’ve collated of the top 1,000 boy names from last year. With so many good options to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect name for your new arrival. Don’t worry if your due date is fast approaching and you still haven’t found a name that feels like the one. Head to our baby name generator where you’ll find thousands of names to fall in love with, from more traditional sounding names, to unique baby names from all around the world.

They feature a Summer animated music video and several digital shorts, plus other Summer-inspired play-isodes (and get ready for more social content throughout the year). 2025 paper wall calendar that measures 11″ wide x 8.5″ high. One photograph per month of the year, featuring a mix of Historical Characters, Truly Me dolls, and the Girls of the Year Kavi Sharma and Lila Monetti.

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And while no one wants to be wind up with baby-name regret (or with a name your child will want to change later on), it’s opened up a lot of possibilities. Every year, the SSA compiles their list of the top baby names for boys and girls using data from U.S. The most recent data available is for 2023, which the list above references. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources to help you choose the perfect name for your son. And believe it or not, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is a great place to start.

There is Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird and Jonas and Asher from The Giver. There are plenty of cool boy names within the Bible too like Boaz and Uriah. Music is another great source, containing names like Jagger and Gibson. How do we determine the most popular name given to boys this year?

Calendar also contains a “2025 At a Glance” section with an overview of each month. Accelerate Action is a worldwide call to acknowledge the strategies, resources and activity that positively impact women’s advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation. I did some research, and there is another Clare Hutton who is a specialist in Irish literature, meaning Summer will most likely be Irish-American. Additionally, Clare is white, meaning the chance of Summer being African-American has effectively gone out the window, as AG usually has authors that share the racial identities of their characters. Our 2025 Girl of the Year™ teaches girls to keep an open mind and a sunny outlook. The goal of measuring is to determine the correct size to order for each athlete.

It also tracks data about names that are rising and falling in rank, so you can see how the use of a name has changed over time. From there, we can also see trends, which are confirmed through lists made by baby-naming sites that know which names its users are looking up and settling on more and more often. Choosing a good name for your baby boy can be trickier than you think. The Social Security Administration (SSA) usually releases birth certificate data around Mother’s Day each year.

We’ve listed just a few of our favourites to give you some ideas. Here are a few more unique boy names that we think sound really cool – short and sweet, effortlessly unusual. We predict these names will be very popular in the coming years but you’ll be well ahead of the trend.

Have fun narrowing down your favorites list with this quick game. Everyday Free Standard Shipping with a minimum order of $150 or more. Purchase total must equal or exceed the minimum order requirement to qualify.